Paul Wicks

In 2016 Paul exhibited 2 pieces of work at the prestigious Saatchi Gallery London as part of the ‘Show you know’ exhibition showing the plight of sufferers of Encephalitis

He has also exhibited and sold Art at various Kent Galleries and has been placed in the top ten of National Photographic Competitions and had the backing of organisations such as the NHS, Kent County Council, the Encephalitis Society  and various agencies on a project involving raising the profile of disabled people. 

As well as narrative art Paul carries out work in a number of styles including portraiture, commercial and live music. 

In September 2018 Paul completed studying for a degree in BA Photography under the guidance of such talents as Heike Lowenstein, Dr Francis Summers, Chris Coekin & Dr Jason Dee.

Within the first year he scored consecutive grade A’s and has also joined the staff as a student ambassador;  mentoring and interviewing prospective students. He also gives talks and runs workshops on behalf of the university to school children on an ad-hoc basis.

He Is currently completing his masters degree  

He took up what started out as just an exciting hobby after working with other creative mediums such as art, design and web media for a number of years. He undertook a number of successful and pleasing projects, including weddings (ceremony & reception), portraiture of people & animals, and promotional shoots for bands and groups, fine art and commercial work too.

In 2003 & 2010 he suffered neurological issues that left him partially sighted for nearly a year as well as with movement problems. His eyesight has now returned. So, he decided to challenge this problem, and take up photography as having had to live without it, he now values his sight and vision and likes to share it with others.

That’s the reason why his project was titled ‘Blind Luck’.

Fine art
Still life
Postal Address

ME20 7GR
United Kingdom
